Wednesday 4 April 2018

Old Moor Sofa

An update on the number of species recorded in the Old Moor area this year, at the end of January the total was 102, 101 reported in the last blog plus a late report of a Corn Bunting on the 30th (102).

A further 11 species were added in February as follows - White Fronted Goose on 9th (103), Merlin on 11th (104), Red Kite on 20th (105), Richards Pipit on 20th (106), Curlew on 21st (107), Ringed Plover on 21st (108), Whooper Swan on 22nd (109), Mediterranean Gull on 22nd (110), Yellow Browed Warbler on 25th (111), Firecrest on 26th (112) and finally Avocet on 28th (113).

At the end of February 2015 the total was 103 and at the end of February 2016 the total was 106 therefore this year has been a big improvement.

A further five species were seen up to the end of February in those two years but not seen this year - Red Necked Grebe, Egyptian Goose, Mandarin, Red Crested Pochard and Blackcap.

The standard start to the year in January really gathered pace in February in both quantity and quality with Wombwell Ings the place to be with Richards Pipit, Yellow Browed Warbler and Firecrest all present late in the month. Then the cold weather put the brakes on but fortunately the Yellow Browed and Firecrest survived and the Richards Pipit hopefully moved on. The only surprising absentee from the first two months of the year is Blackcap.

For comparison some other inland sites totals are as follows:- Swillington Ings, West Yorkshire (117), Upton Warren, Worcestershire (90) and Potteric Carr, South Yorkshire (98).

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