Tuesday 24 April 2018

Priority Species 2018

Again this year I am collecting Priority Species records from this blog and from twitter to see what declining species are still breeding in the Barnsley recording area. Its totally reliant on various birders putting out the info.
Lots of good records were put on for 2017 and these amounted to 10 male Cuckoo calling, Little Ringed Plover 8+ pair, Tree Pipit 4 territories, Yellow Wagtail 6-8 pair, Wheatear 2-3 pair, Willow Tit 15-20 territories, Redstart 6 pair, Pied Flycatcher 2-3 pair, Spotted Flycatcher 4 pair and Lesser Redpoll 6 pair. These are minimal and Martin Wells or Carl Dixon may have additional records?
Same species again please but an additional focus on Lesser Redpoll and Tree Pipit. Both using the same habitats around the upland reservoirs, Wharncliff and Trans-Pennine Trail Penistone to Dunford.

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