Saturday 9 June 2018

Carlton Marsh

The highlights today were Cetti's Warbler, Kingfisher, Great Spot Woodpecker, 2 Grey Wagtails and a brood of 7 Gadwall, our first this year (Jim Plant).

Butterflies included Painted Lady, Large Skipper 14, Brown Argus 2, Common Blue 26 and Small Copper 2.
Also abroad Emerald Damsel 8, Common White Wave Moth, Mother Shipton 2, Straw Dot 2 and Cinnabar Moth 8 (Chris Parkin).  


  1. Update on Sand Martins Cliff.Been across this morning(Sunday).Counted at least 18 holes with birds coming and going from I would say half of those.Also loads of House Martins collecting mud from puddle in hollow.Some look to be flying into your estate.

  2. Okay thanks Ziggy. Not heard from Pete Wall Yet.


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