Monday 27 August 2018

Wintersett 27.08.18

14 - 17 degrees with a showery start, with 8/8 cloud, then a short a sunny spell mid morning, with a light, westerly  breeze.
Anglers CP: Swift 1.  Sand Martin 70.  Common Tern 1.  Common Sandpiper 1.  A Meadow Pipit flew south west.  Shoveler 13.  Teal 3.  Little Egret 1 and Hobby 1.
60 Bird were ringed: Highlights were: Willow Warbler 17.  Chiffchaff 14.  Blackcap 8.  Reed Warbler 10.  Sedge Warbler 1 and Song Thrush 1.

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