Wednesday 26 September 2018

Carlton Marsh

The highlights of today were 4 Siskin, c50 Linnet, 2 Goldcrests, Little Egret and 27 Pink Feet Geese high west at 08.12hrs. They were followed by 60 east at 08.55hrs and 60 more east at 10.15hrs. A Cetti's Warbler was singing and Reed Warbler, Chiffchaff and Blackcap were ringed. A colour-ringed Willow Tit was re-trapped, Red right leg, black left leg

2 Red Admiral were feeding on Buddleja and a Speckled Wood was flitting around the trees.

Fungi included Shaggy Ink Cap, Smooth Ink Cap, Earth Ball and Red Cracked Bolete.

South Kirkby Reclaimed Tip (24th September)
(Chris Parkin)
Canada Goose c150 on the lake. Butterflies included 25 Small Copper, Red Admiral, 2 Comma and 10 Common Blue.

Storrs Mill Wood/Ardsley Viaduct Area (yesterday 25th September)
(Chris Parkin)
2 Buzzards were airborne and a pair of Mute Swans were on the River Dearne.
It has obviously been a great year for Small Copper butterflies with 35 counted. Also of note 20 Red Admiral, 34 Comma, 1 Peacock, 13 Lesser Treble Bar and 3 Silver Y moths.

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