Monday 24 September 2018

Wintersett + Vis.Mig. 24.09.18

A very cold 6 - 12 degrees with 1/8 high cloud and a very cold north westerly wind.
Anglers CP Vi.Mig: A Red Kite flew north at 07.55hrs.  45 Pink-footed Goose went east at 08.55hrs.  .  A Green Sandpiper flew west at 09.07hrs.  Sparrowhawk 2 south west + 4 present.  Siskin 12 south.   Jay 9 flew high north east.  Meadow pipit 108 south. 
Anglers CP:  Dunlin 1.  Little Egret 1.  Water Rail 1.  Garganey 1.  Common Buzzard 11.  5 Whooper Swans came in late afternoon.
Wintersett Res: A juvenile Yellow-legged Gull was on at dawn.   Grey Partridge 17. Pintail 3 + 1 ACP.   Hobby 1.  A Kingfisher was on Botany. 
Lepidoptera: Small White 1.  Comma 1.  Red Admiral 1.  Small Copper 1. Speckled Wood 4.
Odonata: Common Darter 1.  Migrant Hawker 1.

                               Whooper Swans    ACP         PMeredith

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