Monday 26 November 2018

Wintersett - Triple Red Day for Pete Smith 26.11.18

3 -5 degrees with 4/8 cloud and a cool north easterly.
Ringing at Wintersett Res: 
Pete Smith had a lovely surprise this morning, when the only bird in one net was a 1st Year  male Coues's Arctic Redpoll at 10.10hrs.  It brought back memories of the 1995/96 winter, when 11 were trapped and ringed here.  A 1st Year Common (Mealy) Redpoll was trapped later  along with  3 Chiffchaffs . (That's 5 Chiffchaffs in the last 3 days, which is exceptional at this time of year!) .   5 Lesser Redpolls were also ringed today.
A total of 16 birds were ringed: Lesser Redpoll 5  Common Redpoll 1.  Coues's Arctic Redpoll 1.  Chiffchaff 3.  Treecreeper 1.  Blackbird 1. Robin 1. 
Wintersett Res: A male Cetti's Warbler was on the west bank.  50 Pink-footed Goose flew east late morning.
Here's a selection of photos of the 1stY male Coues's Arctic Redpoll showing salient ID features.  (SDenny)

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