Saturday 3 November 2018

Wintersett + Vis.Mig + Gull Roost + Pics 03.11.18

7 - 12 degrees with 4/8 cloud and a light south westerly.
ANGLERS CP VIS.MIG  per Graham Speight and Paul Meredith  A Waxwing south east at 07.03hrs  was a very good start to another interesting day, with good variety and a reasonable passage of Fieldfare and Starling all morning. Hooded Crows south at 08.25 and west at 12.15 were the major highlight though - the last Hoodie here was in May 2014, before that November 1981! We possibly overlooked a significant corvid moment today - not easy to detect here as we have a large roost.
Going south: Lapwing 4.  Golden Plover 12.  Snipe 7.  Great Spotted Woodpecker 1.  Jackdaw 110.  Hooded Crow 1 + 1 west.  Blackbird 2.  Bullfinch 5.  Linnet 1.

Going south west: Stock Dove 24.  Wood Pigeon 200.  Skylark 11. Grey Wagtail 2.  Meadow Pipit 3.
Going south east: Waxwing 1 circled WRes, then left.
Going west: Fieldfare 1290 + 60 east.  Redwing 243.  Chaffinch 47.  Brambling 14.  Goldfinch 97.  Yellowhammer 1.  
Going west north west: Starling 941.
Going east: Mistle Thrush 6 + 2 south.  Siskin 6.
ANGLERS CP:  Shelduck 1.  Scaup 1.  Common Scoter 2 female/immature.  Pink-footed Goose 1.  Shoveler 16.  Greylag Goose 65. 
Cold Hiendley Res:  The juvenile male Scaup still present.
WINTERSETT RES.  Cetti's Warbler 1 male boathouse reeds.
GULL ROOST Wintersett Res: per Steve Denny Herring Gull 856.  Great Black Backed Gull 170.  Lesser Black Backed Gull 6.  Yellow-legged Gull 1 adult.  Caspian Gull 1 adult.
Odonata: Common Darter 1 ACP.  Red Admiral 1 MLPond. 

Hooded Crow              ACP   CSwaine
Hooded Crow              ACP   CSwaine
Hooded Crow              ACP   CSwaine
Hooded Crow              ACP   CSwaine
                     Caspian Gull adult      WRes.   SDenny
Caspian Gull adult      WRes.   SDenny

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