Friday 1 March 2019

2018 Priority Species Totals

Pochard image by Geoff Carr

Before we drop into the new breeding season a few totals and facts from some species last year which are just ticking over and others which we are close to loosing. These records are from various recorders but as always some territories may be missed. I thank those who submitted information to form this list.
Pochard 8-10 pairs and consistent with last year.
Little Ringed Plover 10 pairs and again as last year.
Ringed Plover 12-14 pair and up slightly on last year.
Redshank 16 pair and nearly double to last year.
Cuckoo 20 calling males and again double to last year.
Lesser Spotted Woodpecker probably only one territory on the Barnsley boundary which is alarming.
Willow Tit at least 25 territories after a dismal spring.
Wood Warbler only two singing males and a species we may loose.
Grasshopper Warbler only 4 singing males but under-recorded.
Ring Ouzel 3 pair but perhaps others in Cloughs not visited.
Spotted Flycatcher only one territory and although there must be a few others it is alarming how this has declined.
Pied Flycatcher only one pair but other pairs probably disturbed at the usual site due to works.
Redstart 2 singing males and another struggling species.
Whinchat no territorial birds again this year - could now have lost this one?
Wheatear 2 pairs recorded and same as last year.
Yellow Wagtail 5-6 pair and slightly down from last year.
Tree Pipit 4 singing males and another species just hanging on.
Lesser Redpoll 4 singing males, probably as last year but must be under-recorded on the wooded moorland fringe.
Compare these species with our Atlas records and its really worrying what is happening - but on a positive note we are gaining some wetland species.
These species are taken from the UK Priority List and of rapidly declining populations. So, for this year any records please of the above species onto this blog, onto twitter or whatever. Thanks.


  1. Geoff, do your records include Birdtrack data?

  2. load of rubbish on ring ouzel. 3 pairs in the ewden valley alone last year.

  3. It is a load of rubbish regarding the Ring Ouzel count Stuart. Only got your 3 pair in the Ewden Valley via Twitter and the only others were 12 on 22/4 in Little Don Valley from Russ Boland and down as migrants. Surprisingly, no other spring/summer records for the area including on Birdtrack. Martin may have some additional records when others get round to sending them in? Still probably 10 pair but no records!!

    Ian, had a trawl through Birdtrack South-West Yorkshire spreadsheets and picked a couple of positives up for some species but many recorders only put the 10km square for a location which is near useless. Its had work for next to nowt.

    I can only report what I get so this is the target list for this year.

  4. Thanks, Geoff. I'd always encourage birders to use Birdtrack and enter all their daily records, the useful data sets soon start to build up.


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