Wednesday 20 March 2019

Carlton Mash

Spring really did spring today with the warmest day of the day so far at 19.8c. (my garden). On the wader scrape today Little Grebe, 11 Herring gulls, 2 Common Gulls , 100 + BH Gulls and 2 Redshanks. Elsewhere Goldcrest was singing again from Scots Pine, Willow Tit, 2 Lesser Redpolls, and 10 singing Chiffchaffs. 3 kingfishers, 2 of which were chasing each other around the main scrape all afternoon, the male singing constantly. A Collared Dove flew towards the scrapyards (its quite scarce here)
Jim Plant/keith Bannister/Dave Smith.

Butterflies were loving the warm conditions a total of 17 Small Tortoiseshell, 17 Peacock, 8 Comma and 4 Brimstone males were seen. (Chris Parkin /Rod Heeley et al)

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