Saturday 29 June 2019

Wintersett + Ringing + Insects + Pics 29.06.19

Very hot and sunny.  20 - 29 degrees with a very light south westerly.
Botany Bay: Kingfisher 2.
Wintersett Res: Willow Tit 1.
Anglers CP: Lesser Whitethroat 1 singing male east bank.  A Hobby was hunting over east bank late afternoon.
104 birds were ringed today:  23 Blackcap,  2 Whitethroat,  12 Reed Warbler,  3 Sedge Warbler,  2 Cetti's Warblers  (a juvenile female,  and a new, unringed, adult male),  24 Chiffchaff,  3 Willow Warbler,  2 Coal Tit,  2 Goldcrest and 9 Reed Bunting, 
Lepidoptera: Lots of Painted Ladies and Red Admirals were moving through the area today.
Anglers CP -  A male Banded Demoiselle flew high west over the east bank at 10.03hrs + 1 male flew over  low north at 14.40hrs.    3 male Red-veined Darter.  A male Lesser Emperor was seen at 11.11hrs.  Black-tailed Skimmer 1.
Moorhouse Lane Pond: Broad-bodied Chaser 1 male.  Ruddy Darter 6 male tenerals.  Azure Damselfly,  a pair in tandem. 
Botany Bay: Red-eyed Damselfly 1 male on lily pads. 
Cetti's Warbler juvenile female  WRes   RBailey
 Red-veined Darter     ACP   PMeredith
Broad-bodied Chaser   MLPond  PMeredith
Four Spotted Chaser     MLPond    PMeredith
Red-veined Darter     ACP   PMeredith

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