Friday 5 July 2019

Carlton Marsh

An adult Mediterranean Gull in full regalia was present when I arrived at the wader scrape at about 11.00hrs. It flew off at 12.04hrs, but it returned at around 13.45hrs. It is probably visiting Carlton Industrial estate where there is a unit putting out some kind of waste. Also present 16 Herring Gulls (one with a yellow darvic ring left leg), 10 LBB Gulls and 70 Black Headed Gulls. A Willow Tit and a Treecreeper called from nearby trees.
Insects included 2 Comma, 1 Painted lady, male and female Broad bodied Chaser and 6 male, 4 female Banded Demoiselle.
Photographs by Dave Smith

 Banded Demoiselle 

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