Wednesday 16 October 2019

Wintersett + VisMig 16.10.19

Rain to 09.00hrs. 9 - 12 degrees with 8/8 and a very light south easterly, switching to a light south westerly by midday.
Anglers CP VisMig: per @Fitzybirder
Good variety today, Grey Plover and Raven being the singular highlights, but an awesome flock of 70 Skylarks, straight over our heads, the most memorable sight.  Redwings did well for an hour once the rain had stopped, then dried up for a while and started coming through in pulses prior to midday.
Going west: Pink-footed Goose 260 at 08.07hrs.   Raven 1 low overhead, calling at 12.10hrs.   Redwing 1486 - veering SW as the wind changed. Mostly small parties with some larger flocks including a 250 and a 130. Chaffinch 7.  Brambling 11.  Siskin 26.
Going west north west: Starling 182. 
Going south:  Goosander 7 redheads at 10.04hrs + a pair high west at 10.15hrs. Swallow 3.  Blackbird 2.  Song Thrush 3 + 3 west + 1 east.  alba Wagtail 4.  Meadow Pipit 6. Yellowhammer 2.  Reed Bunting 4.
Going south west: Golden Plover 80.  Grey Plover 2 at 09.10hrs.  Skylark 94 (including a fabulous flock of 70 at 10.53hrs) + 3 east. 
Going north east: Snipe 1.
Anglers CP: Chiffchaff 5 + 4 CHRes.
Wintersett Res: Cetti's Warbler 3 males + 1 male ACP + 1 male CHRes.  Pied Wagtail 70 in the west bank field.
Cold Hiendley Res: Scaup 1 juvenile.  Grey Wagtail 3 + 1 WRes..  A juvenile Peregrine flew over the field.

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