Tuesday 29 October 2019

Wintersett + VisMig + Gull Roost 29.10.19

2 - 9 degrees with 4/8 cloud and a light north easterly.
Anglers CP VisMig:  
Going west: Starling 1050. Fieldfare 560.  Redwing 110.   Goosander 3.   Meadow Pipit 1.
Going north: Golden Plover 1.
Going north west: Pink-footed Goose 90 (60 at 10.20hrs and 30 at10.23 hrs)
Going south west: Wood Pigeon 310.  
Anglers CP:  Goosanger 16, then left west.
Wintersett Res: An influx of  24 Goldeneye +  11 on ACP.
Anglers CP Gull Roost: Great Black backed 51,  Herring Gull 270,  Lesser Black-backed Gull 85, Yellow-legged Gull 1 adult and Black-headed Gull 8000. 

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