Friday 6 November 2020

Carlton Marsh

Today was good. A skein of Pink Feet flew west at 09.30hrs and another skein NE at 09.45hrs through or above the dense fog. (CG/JP)

A fine adult Yellow-legged Gull was on the wader scrape with 4 Cormorants, and a male Merlin flashed through heading east over the hillside. (The first since March 2013) 30 Canada Geese flew south and 5 Greylags were down. Other birds of note were, Cetti's Warbler, Little Owl (calling/hunting on the nearby railway line), c20 Siskins, 4 L. Redpolls, c30 Redwings and 4 Fieldfares. (JP)

Les & Andrew Corral added Grey Wagtail, Sparrowhawk and Great Spot Woodpecker.

Chris Parkin found 2 Herald Moths and a Peacock butterfly hibernating.

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