Sunday 7 March 2021

Wintersett 07.03.2021

 Anglers CP: 

Pochard 7 + 1 WRes. +  2CHRes..   Shoveler 4m + 3f.  Teal 4.  Snipe 17.  Oystercatcher 5.  

Cormorant 8 + 1 WRes..   Wigeon 151 + 2 WRes..  

Wintersett Res: 

Goldeneye 73 + 55 ACP +  2 CHRes. 

Water Rail 1 boathouse reeds. Kingfisher 1.

Cetti's Warbler 4 males - south west corner,  west bank marsh,  boathouse reeds and  north bank.

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