Tuesday 5 April 2022

Carlton Marsh

The highlight of the day came this evening when an Osprey came in and circled before moving north at 18.45hrs in a mod-fresh WSW wind (Dave Standish).

Dave was on his electric mountain bike and dashed to Rabbit Ings in time to see it again as it flew over Rabbit Ings lake at 19.07hrs. It was mobbed by 2 Lapwings as it left north. This record shot was taken on his mobile phone. This is our 10th record and the first since May 2015.

Dave Standish

Earlier 2 singing Blackcaps were new for the year. A Redshank flew west, a Little Egret was present along with 10 Teal, Cetti's Warbler, a Cormorant (Sinensis), Green Woodpecker, 2 Buzzards and the drake Chiloe Wigeon was calling (JP/LC/AC/K. Bannister)

Royston Canal
A Cetti's Warbler singing there was a new locality for it (Dave Standish)

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