Thursday 2 February 2023

Wintersett 02.02.2023

 Anglers CP:

Oystercatcher 1 + 1 ringed Oystercatcher on boathouse lawn. 

(1 back per pair).   

Shelduck 2.  Teal 20.  Great Black-backed Gull 1x1stW.  

Gadwall 4.  Pochard 15 + 14 WRes. + 6 CHRes..  

Shoveler 4 + 10 WRes..  Cormorant 12 + 1 CHRes.. 

Wintersett Res: 

A Cetti's Warbler was in the boathouse reeds.  

Little Grebe 2 + 1 ACP.

Goldeneye 92 (29m) + 28 ACP (12 m) +7 CHRes. (2 m).

Cold Hiendley Res:

Goosander 14 + 2 WRes..   

Great Crested Grebe 6 + 5 WRes. +  3 ACP.

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