Friday 16 June 2023

Wintersett 16.06.2023

Wintersett Res:

Cuckoo 1 male.  Common Tern 1.  Goldeneye 1 female.

Tufted Duck 35.  Mute Swan 4 young in north east corner. 

Mallard 1 very small young +  8 small young on ACP. 


A Brown Hawker was over the west bank clump.

Botany Bay:

Red-eyed Damsleflies - 2 males.

Anglers CP:

Shoveler 8.    Lapwing 26.  Pochard 1.  Common Gull 1 adult.

Oystercatcher 3 adults  + 1 large young  + 6  with north pair.  1 sat - summer plumage.

Canada Goose 17 large young in a creche.  Mallard 8 small young.

A Cetti's Warbler was in the south west corner.

Anglers Pol Boardwalk Pond:

A male Broad-bodied Chaser was flying over. 

Cold Hiendley Res. Lepidoptera:

A Small Skipper was on the east bank.  

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