Saturday 19 August 2023

Wintersett 19.08.2023

Anglers CP: 

Curlew 8 flew west  06.47hrs and 2 flew south west.

 40 Swallows,   12 + 8 Swifts  and 1 Grey Wagtail flew south.

Greenshank 1 over 08.18hrs, left east.    

Teal  10.   Snipe 2 , +  10 flew west.

Greenshank 1 over southwest  09.15hrs - left east.

Great Crested Grebe 12.    Pochard 1.  Shoveler 7 + 11. 

Peregrine 1 juvenile.  Yellow Wagtail 1 over. 

Gadwall 8.  House Martin 9.  Hobby 1 adult over 10.55hrs. 

A juvenile Garganey was in the shallows this afternoon.


Juvenile Garganey  in ACP shallows - Steve Denny

Below is a link to a short video

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