Monday 26 December 2011

Balmy Boxing Day at Bolton Ings

No need for gloves today, the temperature at 8 oclock this morning was 13c, more like summer than mid-winter. Anyway onto the birds today, highlight being 2 sightings of Peregrine, firstly chasing Lapwings then drifting over tiptop about an hour later. Other birds present today, Grey Heron 3, Mute Swan 13, Canada Goose 26, Grey Lag Goose 27, Cormorant 18, Mallard 16, Gadwall 19, Teal 34, Shoveler 13, Wigeon 4, Tufted Duck 28, Pochard 8, Goosander 10, Goldeneye 1, Ruddy Duck 1, Coot 264, Moorhen 5, Lapwing c320, Redshank 1, Green Sandpiper 1, Common Gull 32, LBB Gull 1, Herring Gull 2, Black Headed Gull c250, Peregrine 1, Sparrowhawk 1. A quick walk onto Old Moor produced 24 Goosanders, 361 Coot and female Goldeneye on the Mere and Redshank and 3 Shelduck on the Main Marsh. A Bittern was seen in flight on the Reedbeds and a Buzzard went over.

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