Monday 19 December 2011

Just Pants!

No real change at Broomhill Flash today except plenty of ice and 60 Golden Plovers stood on it. Barnacle still with Canada's.
News from Old Moor (Chris Harris et al) - Bittern roosted at Reedbeds. 42 Goosander, Goldenete, five Shelduck, Green Sand, 200+ Fieldfare.

Meanwhile, a skien of Pink-feet that passed over were later counted at 55 thanks to digital technology! (John Seeviour). What, no abacus?

Belated news from yesterday of at least one Hen Harrier at Ewden Beck and a Jack Snipe at Wilthorpe Marsh. It's quite amazing really how scarce Jack Snipe have become in the Barnsley area when you consider that a recent estimate of the British wintering population was 100,000. Obviously many go undetected due to the species secretive nature but anybody who has been 'jacking' over the years in Barnsley will tell you how the species has declined.

Pager News - Yank Wigeon and 'Greenland Yfront' still at Wintersett. Potential split? - that's pants!

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