Tuesday 27 December 2011

Rough injustice?

With a couple of hours free between jobs, I thought I'd follow on from my pre Christmas efforts and check out some more rough stuff, however, a walk through dykes and scrub around the 'goldie fields' was virtually bird-less. Still, as Barnsley Blade pointed out yesterday, the weather is balmy at the moment, and I must admit that by the time I'd returned to my vehicle parked in Bolton I felt there was more chance of a Swallow than the than the 600 Linnets or cracking male Merlin that I'd seen on the same jaunt at this time last year.

Pretty much no change at Old Moor today, the highlights being Bittern, Cetti's, Peregrine, 322 Gadwall, 30 Goosanders, six Goldeneye and five Shelduck.

Meanwhile, a Peregrine was seen at Ewden and a second-winter Med' Gull roosted on Broomhead Res. There was also an as yet unconfirmed report of 'some' Bean Geese at Ingbirchworth so if anybody knows more please let us know.

1 comment:

  1. 2 Bean Geese were claimed at Royd Moor Reservoir about 10 days ago, but all I found were the two White-fronted Geese (but I believe there is only one there today).


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