Sunday 18 December 2011


National Wildfowl Count Day
90% frozen but on the ice were;- 197 Teal, 173 Mallard, 3 Shoveler, 4 Wigeon, 60 Lapwing, 6 Snipe, and 6 Golden Plovers. 20 Skylark are on Park Springs Tip.
A adult 'Greenland' White-fronted Goose was found amongst the 96 Greylags and 201 Canada Geese. This is the first time this race of White-front has been identified in the Barnsley Area, all other records are of the nominate European race, and a warning to would-be listers -this is a possible future split!! There is also a Pink-foot amongst the geese and a further 6 flew through in the afternoon. The American Wigeon was on the Country Park Lake with 503 Wigeon. Other counts of note are;- Gadwall 227, Tufted 259, Pochard 70, Goldeneye 53, Goosander 22, Great Crested Grebe 29, Coot 1025, GBBGull 58 and Common Gull 2100.

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