Sunday 1 January 2012

Bolton Ings - New Years Day

An early morning visit produced the following:- Grey Heron 5, Mute Swan 13, Canada Goose 33, Grey Lag Goose 2, Cormorant 8, Mallard 24, Gadwall 22, Teal 7, Shoveler 20, Pochard 7, Tufted Duck 34, Goosander 13, Goldeneye 2 females, Coot 248, Moorhen 13, Buzzard 1, Sparrowhawk 2+, Kestrel 1, Lapwing 169, Green Sandpiper 2, Black Headed Gull 180, Common Gull 46, LBB Gull 1, Herring Gull 1, Green Woodpecker 2. Highlights being a Buzzard over early on before rain set in and 7 sightings of Sparrowhawk including 2 together and 1 catching a Blackbird. With other observers seeing Peregrine and Merlin today a good start to the year with 5 species of raptor. Finally a Fox was a road casualty in the layby on the Dearne Valley Parkway.

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