Tuesday 27 March 2012

Old Moor Area - Monday 26th March

Off work this week so spent all day in the Old Moor Area. Highlights as follows:-
Edderthorpe Avocet 5, Shelduck 6, Redshank 10, Ringed Plover 1, Golden Plover 82.
Wombwell Ings Redshank 8, Oystercatcher 2, Golden Plover 29.
Old Moor Little Egret 1, Snipe 16, Redshank 5, Oystercatcher 5, LBB Gull 2, Buzzard 1, Sparrowhawk 1.
Bolton Ings Goosander 1, Pochard 9, Oystercatcher 2, Redshank 4, Green Sandpiper 1, LBB Gull 3, Common Gull 1, Chiffchaff 11, Blackcap 1 male, Grey Wagtail 2, Sparrowhawk 1.


  1. Oops, Monday was the 26th not the 27th.

  2. We are missing the little pencil thing that we could use to edit the original post.
    I've asked Mark admin to try and reinstall it but I dont think he can.

  3. A quirk of blogging is that editorial tools seem to come and go as they please. Not sure why but I have noticed myself even on Blogs such as this one where I have admin privilages. I have altered the date for the title of this post, and removed the draft saved by the author which had the correct date!


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