Friday 30 March 2012

Old Moor = Garbage

Unless you like looking at huge sheets of open water with nothing on it other than birds that you can find on any bog standed country park.
Take the black headed gulls away and it's more or less dead.

The Wader Scrape and Mere should be showing at least 1.5 meteres width of muddy edges around the islands at this important time of year.
Anybody with a modicum of knowledge about breeding and passage wading birds can see at a glance that things are not right at Old Moor.
I overheard several comments about the height of the water levels from people in the hides.
I'm sure the state of the site is keeping some birders away. Why should people visit Old Moor if there's no hope of finding anything?

It's heartbreaking to see the place in such poor condition.

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