Wednesday 7 March 2012

Wintersett Wet and Windy Wild Goose Chase

Wintersett Res - Drake Smew, Black-necked Grebe.  3 Bitterns at dusk.
Walton Hall - Greenland White-fronted Goose
Anglers - American Wigeon and ...
3 adult, white phase, Snow Geese were disturbed from fields by farmer at 09.45, along with Canadas. They all flew around the lake and the Canadas settled quickly,  but the  Snow Geese circled around for 5 minutes before dropping on. They flew off NW towards fields at 10.10 and are presumed to have carried on,  as they could not be found in fields later, despite extensive searching.
Interestingly, 3 white phase Lesser Snow Geese have been wintering in the Leighton Moss area, (North Lancs) from November 29th 2011 to, at least,  late February 2012.  Could these be the same birds?


  1. The same three birds landed on Waterton Park Lake, arriving with Greylags mid morning. Reported by a golfer who had seen them circle and land. A good addition to his 'golf course' list!

  2. Presumably the same 3 birds were on the main lake at Pugneys in late 2011 - dont have the date to hand but think it was Dec.


  3. Thank you for your comments.

  4. 3 adult white phase Snow Geese were at Pugneys Country Park on 6th November 2011.


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