Tuesday 17 April 2012

Another Red Day at Wintersett 17.04.12

Ryhill - Redwing  3, Fieldfare  150,  
Anglers CP -  Snipe 1, Redshank 1,  Pink-footed Goose 4,  Teal 2,   Wigeon  4♂ + 1Lesser  Redpoll 1 flew over and Curlew 2 flew SW.
Botany Hill - Red-legged Partridge 2
Wintersett Res - LITTLE GULL 1 adult, summer plumage flew up the res and then away to the east at 09.45,  REDSTART 1 stunning moved along the fence, then from bush to bush giving marvellous views and 5/6 mallard ducklings have survived the night.
Car Park - 2 Crossbill flew over, calling.

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