Thursday 26 April 2012

Blown to bits!

Not to much change in the Old Moor area later in the day. The drake Garganey was still at Broomhill late afternoon before leaving towards Old Moor, however it had left the flash and returned previously.
The drake Garganey at Broomhill Flash today - Mick Rushton

Meanwhile sightings of a first-summer Little Gull at Broomhill, Old Moor and Adwick today seem likely to relate to relate to the same bird. The latter site also hosted a couple of White Wags. Wombwell Ings had a couple of Avocets, 2 LRP and 3 Wheatears. At least 9 Avocets were at Old Moor where a number of Dunlin and a handful of Ringed Plover passed through. Maximum 'Black-wit' count for the day was 42.
This cracking Med' Gull brightened up Old Moor today - Keth Pickering
We are still trying to put together the final tally of Arctic Terns that passed through yesterday but it now appears to be in the region of 110 and that is probably conservative as where there looks to be a possibility of duplication we have treated them as the same birds, but no doubt some will not have been. One thing for certain, the Barnsley area record of 46 at Wintersett on 5th May 1980 was truly blown to bits. Well done the Waths! 

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