Tuesday 10 April 2012

Osprey & White Wag

Langsett Reservoir - 1 Osprey NW battling against the wind at 10:20hrs attracted the atention of 22 Curlews that pursued it as far as Swinden Walls. Also 23 Canada Geese, 39 Mallard and 4 Teal + 2 Willow Warblers and a single Blackcap.
Midhope Reservoir - 13 Canada Geese, 6 Mallard, 2 (1 drake) Goldeneye, 1 hybrid Canada/Greylag Goose, a pair of Little Grebe and 1 White Wagtail.
Midhopestones - 23 Curlew and 100+ Jackdaws.
Underbank Reservoir - 13 Canada Geese, 31 Mallard, 5 Tufted Ducks and a pair each of Great Crested Grebes, Moorhen and Coot + 10 singing Chiffchaffs and 1 Willow Warbler.

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