Monday 30 April 2012

Well done Pete Wall and the DV Green Heart gang

The recent work at Adwick is fantastic !!!
Pound for pound this area must be the nicest and best place in the Barnsley District to watch birds. Of course there are still problems regarding the security of the site. I had a confrontation with a group of 3 guys with pellet guns today. So it needs regular wardening in the interim period before the fences are erected. But other than that the site has become as good as what was predicted. Seeing young lapwings walking about on land that once was intensively farmed is great.

Additional to what ken f had this morning; 2 black-tailed godwits feeding on the pool next to the main footpath near Low Field Road. The male garganey is still on the east end of this field. Lots of warblers in the wood at the east end of the site. This wood is at the side of the river not far from the confluence of the Dearne and Don so goodies are bound to turn up in this woodland.
If we can get more people walking around the site with binoculars it will convince the locals that someone actually cares about the site now.

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