Sunday 1 April 2012

Wintersett 1st April 2012 - updated pm

 A frosty start with a cool breeze, but became sunny and warm by midday.
Anglers CP - Ruff   3  flew north 08.53, Curlew 2 flew over,  Fieldfares 2 flew west,  Adult KITTIWAKE 14.50, left north 15.01, 2nd winter Common Gull, Swallow 3, House Martin 1, Sand Martin 6 + 3 flew north,   Willow Warbler 1 male, Redshank 1, Pink-footed Goose 2, Wigeon 45,  Teal 6, Goosander 1 immature male, Gadwall 31
Walton Hall - Greenland White-fronted Goose
Wintersett Res - Blackcap 5 male and the earliest ever SPECKLED WOOD butterfly (another on ACP pm)
Haw Park Wood - Siskin 1,  Orange Tip butterfly and a Nuthatch was nest building.

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