Monday 25 June 2012

Sundays WeBS counts - Edderthorpe area

Selected highlights
Ferrymoor and Cudworth Common
Greylag 31, Canada 61, Mallard 98, Shoveler 3, Little Grebe 4, Redshank 10 adults plus 2 well grown young, Ringed Plover 6 adults plus 1 well grown chick, Lapwing 32, Cuckoo 1.
Edderthorpe and Houghton
Mute Swan 30, Mallard 34, Gadwall 29, Teal 4, Shoveler 2, Tufted 22, Little Grebe 6 adults plus 3 chicks, Oyc 2, Lapwing 80, Redshank 3, Ringed Plover 2, Common Tern 4.

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