Monday 25 June 2012

Three black headed gulls over Market Hill

And below them an estimated 40,000 people from Barnsley watching the procession of the Olympic Torch.

What a day !!!


  1. Relevant for a bird sightings blog?!
    And I hope "a great day" was a sarcastic remark!

  2. Yes of course relevant; 3 black-headed gulls (thought I better mention them cos I knew someone would likely to take umbrage if I dint).
    And definitely no sarcasm; I always try to tell it how I see it.
    40, 000 people in a very smiley atmosphere. It were great man !!!
    Tha should have been theer youngun; I might have bought thi a pint.

    I was going to say 40,000 people can't be wrong - but then Hillsboro and Elland Road in the 1980s sort of popped into my mind.

    And.........who says the blog has to be solely aimed at Barnsley bird news. Birds are an important part of life - but they are only a PART of life.
    A bit of banter on here to liven things up a bit would not be a bad thinks.

  3. You seem to have changed your mind.
    I do agree that birds are only a part of life but, for the attention of the jury,may I draw your attention to the comment Young Nudger made on March 4th 2012 in response to a post by Graham Speight, and I quote:

    "Lets keep it simple - please try to concentrate on the birds seen and not the weather."

    I feel that whereas the weather is relevant to bird behaviour, sport and the events and tribal behaviour that ensues isn't! (unless you count pigeon racing)

    Feel free to post your verdicts.


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