Tuesday 10 July 2012

Carlton Marsh

A review of the last 4 days. The marsh like everywhere else is inundated, God only knows what went in there after the Shaw Dike burst through.
7th 3 Little Owls (Lidster's yard) and 2 Daubenton's Bats roosting in an old railway bridge. (R. Hibbert) Moths: 8 Shaded Broad Bar, 12 Silver Y and 10 6 Spot Burnets. Butterflies: 48 Ringlet, 20 Large Skipper and 8 Small Skipper. (C. Parkin)
8th 2 Kingfisher, Buzzard and a singing Grasshopper Warbler. (D. Standish)
9th Both adult Mute Swans with our remaining cygnet, which was dead.  We can only assume that Friday's deluge was responsible.
10th Kingfisher 1, Mute Swan 2, Little Grebe 2, Swift 16 and up to 8 Ringlets flying in the rain.


  1. Could you email Trevor Mayne with the location of the White Clawed Crayfish and the Daubentons.

    Very sad to hear about the cygnet.
    First time in years that they have bred there and none survive.
    It's worrying this - if such a large bird succumbed to the weather then what affect is this weather having on the smaller birds?
    I'm expecting to see a huge drop in migrant breeding birds next year.

  2. Hi Chris, I will let Trevor know about the bats, but when I inially put W.C. crayfish on the blog, what I meant to say was Signal crayfish. I altered it later. Sorry for misleading everybody. A senior monment as they say. Thanks for your interest.


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