Tuesday 17 July 2012

The Edge

Broomhill Flash mid morning- Water level reading was 3.1 and still dropping. In addition to the birds mentioned by the WIM Man.s earlier posting, also present were 9 Tufted Duck with broods of 5 and 3, Mallard 5, Gadwall 4, Little Grebe 2, Sand Martin 2, Kestrel 4, Oystecatcher 1,Cormorant 1 and Sparrowhawk 1.

Bolton Ings late morning- Singing birds included Chiffchaff 9, Blackcap 7, Whitethroat 5, Blackbird 4, Wren 4,Sedge Warbler 2, Reed Bunting 2, Song Thrush 1 and Reed Warbler 1. On the open water were Gadwall 22 with  a brood of 10, Tufted Duck 16 adults (+ broods of 13, 10, 7, 6 and 5 ), Pochard 16, Mallard 9, Little Grebe 5 with broods of 2 and 2,  Mute Swan 2 pairs with 4 and 2 cygnets, and Great Crested Grebe 6.Also present were Kingfisher 2, Common Tern 2 adults + 1 chick, Cormorant1, Sand Martin 1, Bullfinch1 and Jay 1.

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