Monday 9 July 2012

Wintersett 09.07.12

Wintersett Res:Water Rail 2 calling, Kingfisher 1,  Common Tern 6.  A family (?) of  5 Grey Wagtails were seen mobbing a Sparrowhawk.  A male Common Scoter flew over all three water bodies before gaining height until lost from view over ACP 12.28 - 12.37hrs.
Fly overs: Siskin 2,  Yellow Wagtail 1.
Anglers CP: Oystercatcher 1,  Common Sandpiper 1.
Moorhouse Lane Ponds  Dabchick 6 pairs with 11 young
The first PAINTED LADY butterflies were seen.  1 ACP and 1 Disposal Point.

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