Sunday 26 August 2012

Ewden Height 26/08/2012

Early report from myself and Dave Woodriff ..

Goosander - c15 - Seemed to alight from Langsett Res around 9.15am before flying SE towards Broomhead Res. ; Crossbill - 42 - Calling groups of 5, 33 and 4 flew SE. Thought to be local movement as 5 also returned NW. ; House Martin - c35 - c30 south + 5 feeding ; Lesser Black-backed Gull - c90 - all E-SE 9-11am, presumably from Langsett Res roost? ; Swallow - c50 - c25 south ; Willow Warbler - 1-2 - 1 singing ; Tree Pipit - 3 - singles south ; Meadow Pipit - c60; Greylag Goose - c30+ - Moving between Midhope and Broomhead Res several times. ; Lesser Redpoll - 1 ; Yellow Wagtail - 1 - south calling 11.15am ; Linnet - 5+, Raven -3, Peregrine -2, Common Buzzard -c13, 2 seperate groups of 5 birds in the air together plus singles also seen ..Sparrowhawk -2, Kestrel -2, Black Grouse -1, Green Pecker -2 ...

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