Sunday 12 August 2012

Old Moor - 12th August

Just got back from the night shift, the 5 Little Egrets roosted on the Willow Pool, Wigeon 2, Oystercatcher 2 adults + 1 juv on wader scrape, Greenshank 6, Green Sandpiper 6, Common Sandpiper 3, Dunlin 1, Ringed Plover 1, Snipe 1, Common Tern 11. Seen earlier in day were Garganey 2 (adult on mm and juv on wader scrape), Teal 162, Shoveler 48, Ruff, Green Sand 7 and Snipe 6. Regarding the water levels which are now looking perfect its worth remembering that only 4 weeks ago you needed wellingtons to access the Wader Scrape and Wath Ings along Green Lane. A lot of water has been shifted in a short time.

1 comment:

  1. Water levels - disagree.
    It's fully understandable what happens during the flooding. But as you know water can be got off the site very very quickly into Knoll Beck. What's happened here is that the vast majority of water has been taken off the site and then the water levels have stuck at a level that's too high to create the right conditions for wading birds. And it seems it has stuck at those levels because the drainage ditch that takes the water away has not been maintained.
    Now that was probably expected when there was a handful of volunteers running the site - but is it acceptable now?
    Personally I think the site was better cared for when it was looked after by volunteers.
    An example of this - just look at all the scrub growing on the site.
    In saying all this - its still the best place in Yorkshire to watch birds through 12 months of the year.


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