Tuesday 14 August 2012

status quo impresses

Not much change at Old Moor this evening but impressive none the less: Heron 12, Wigeon , Garganey 2++, Buzzard 1+, Marsh Harrier 1 'cream crown' Reedbeds, Hobby 1, Lapwing c800, LRP 3, Dunlin 1, Greenshank 6, Spotted Redshank 1 (adult, near-winter plumage), Wood Sand 1 juv, Green Sand 12, Common Sand 4, Black-tailed Godwit 3.


  1. I agree, very impressive this evening, also seen tonight Common Sands up to 6, Oystercatcher 3, Little Egret 3, Juv Shelduck and 10 Common Terns roosting on mere

  2. I forgot, a Ruff dropped in aswell.


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