Friday 31 August 2012

Wintersett Ringing information request 31.08.12

To Old Moor:  A Sand Martin with the ring number L488222 was caught at Wintersett today.   Could it be from your Sand Martin nesting site?  Any ringing details you can supply would be appreciated. 


  1. This ring sequence was issued to BRG. I haven't got the ringing details. I'll ask Dave Waddington for them and forward them via this blog when he replies.

  2. Sorry about this but I replied early yesterday evening but looks like it vanished off the face of the earth; maybe this will too? Yes, it is one of ours that was ringed in the wall this year. Dave said he would get me the details through today but so far he hasn't!

  3. L488222 rung at Old Moor on 5th July 2012 in Sand Martin wall, hole 33 (Wader Scrape side). One of four chicks. All chicks were highly infested with flat-fly's this year so keep well away from Pete!

  4. Thanks for the information John. Much appreciated. Pete


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