Friday 7 September 2012

Wintersett 07.09.12

Sunny and warm with a light breeze.
Wintersett Res: The adult male Garganey in eclipse plumage is in the north west corner.  Sedge Warbler 1.
Unwanted Resident:  A Red-eared Terrapin was seen in the north east corner.
Anglers CP: Siskin 1.
Late Broods in the area: Moorhen 1 adult + 1 young WRes. + 2 adults with 2 young each MHLPonds.  Little Grebe 1adult + 2 young ACP, 1 adult + 1 young MHLPonds.  Great Crested Grebe 2 adults + 1 small young.
Old Royston Flash: Green Sandpiper 1 his morning.  Harvesters in field again this evening.
Also flying: Holly Blue, Common Blue, Small Copper, Peacock and Speckled Wood.
An Elephant Hawk-moth caterpillar was seen on the track to Cold Hiendley Res.

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