Saturday 8 September 2012

Wintersett 08.09.12

Great weather for people today -very little in the way of birds moving - but not a bad list overall!

Highlights today: An adult Black-necked Grebe was on Anglers CP, the adult male eclipse Garganey was on Wintersett Res.
Anglers CP:  A small male Peregrine flew over. Hobby 1 adult, Buzzard 8,    Yellow Wagtail 4 flew over, Little Grebe 14 + 4 WR, Teal 2,  Shoveler 57 + 7 WR, Wigeon 22.
Wintersett Res:Redshank 2, Golden Plover 1.
Birds ringed today: Blackcap 6, Whitethroat 1, Lesser Whitethroat 1, Reed Warbler 7, Sedge Warbler 1, Chiffchaff 5, Goldcrest 2, Sand Martin 21, House Martin 1, Swallow 1.
Old Royston Flash: Greenshank 1.
Also flying:Gatekeeper, Small White, Meadow Brown, Peacock and Common Blue Butterflies. Ruddy Darter 1 male.
Moth trapping last night produced a Bulrush Wainscot, 2 Autumnal Rustics, a Centre-barred Sallow and 5 Green Carpet. 


  1. Sorry Graham. We must have been posting round about the same time.

  2. Dont worry, as my wife will confirm- I usually finish first!


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