Sunday 16 September 2012


Some high counts here on the national WeBS count;-
Mute Swan 22, Canada Goose 66, Greylag Goose 51, Mallard 86, Teal 7, Gadwall 85, Shoveler 101, Wigeon 41, Pintail 1, Tufted 866 -this is a new Barnsley Area maximum, Pochard 33, Cormorant 11, Great Crested Grebe 53, Little Grebe 18, Coot 557,
Vis-mig during the morning revealed;- Pink-footed Goose 57 north-west (strange direction) Common Buzzard 2 migrants south, Meadow Pipit 446 south, Goldfinch 43 south and the first Lesser Redpoll of the autumn

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