Friday 26 October 2012

A Great Grey day!

A black day, eventually got greyer when a Great Grey Shrike flew low over the Dearne Valley Parkway towards Broomhill Park before seemingly veering off towards bushes along the 'Old Green Sand dyke'. This was at about 3.30 pm but despite extensive searching it was surprisingly not seen again. Hopefully tomorrow? Lots of Fieldfares and lesser numbers of Redwings in bushes as well as 3 Goldcrests. Birds at Old Moor included 3 Whoopers new in + a Rock Pipit through as well as at least one skein of Pinks. A Peregrine was over Bolton whilst birds at Broomhill included 3 Little Egrets, Little Owl, Short-eared Owl and 3 Goldeneye. There may also have been a 'cream crown' Marsh Harrier in the rushes at the back again today, although this report could possibly relate to photos taken of the one there the other day.

The Whoopers at Old Moor today - Keith Pickering
Keith Pickering

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