Friday 12 October 2012

at last..........

Movement! A first-winter Little Gull visited Old Moor this morning where there were also at least 7 Dunlin new in + a couple of Pintail. A couple of Dunlin were on Bolton Ings as well as an influx of Pochard 30+. Ten Pochard were at Broomhill this morning as well as the Little Egret whilst a Dunlin flew west. A flock of 11 Pintail were on Eddderthorpe and at least two Jack Snipe are at Adwick Wash. Three Common Scoter (2 drakes) were at Wintersett Res and the drake American Wigeon remains at Anglers.

Drake American Wigeon, Anglers CP. - Ron Marshall

Drake American Wigeon, Anglers CP. - Ron Marshall

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