Wednesday 17 October 2012

Carlton Marsh

2 Mute Swans, 10 Gadwall, 35 Mallard, 1 Teal, 4 Canada Geese + 110 on nearby fields, Cormorant, 10 Herring Gulls south, 10 Jays flitting about, 2 Willow Tit, 2 Siskins, 2 Redpolls & c50 Goldfinches.

Common Darter 20, 1 male Migrant Hawker, 2 Comma & 5 Speckled Wood (Les Corrall & Ralph Hibbert)

Rabbit Ings
The male Stonechat was still in situ (Ray Dye) & at dusk 2 Short Eared Owls were hunting, 1 flew along the skyline behind the pallet yard & 1 more came in from the left and went up and over the top of the hill.
Also present Barn Owl, 4 Kestrels and a Hare. (Angie Smith, Dave Standish)

1 comment:

  1. Rabbit Ings list was from Tuesday.

    Rabbit Ings Wednesday - 2 SEOs and 3 Kestrels.
    Dave Standish stayed later. He may have more.


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