Thursday 11 October 2012

Gloom and brightness!

A visit to Old Moor this evening in gloomy conditions. Remains rather quiet with c300 Golden Plover, 4 Green Sands as good as it gets. The Little Egret was still at Broomhill Flash this morning. Jack Snipe and Rock Pipit at Adwick Wash today where as Matthew Capper's photos below show the outlook is certainly not gloomy.
The Rotary Ditcher at work creating habitat for Lapwings. A far cry from the days of pulling up softrush by hand!
The digger creating new pools
Work is currently being carried out to create a new central viewing point.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. There has been some fantastic photographs on this blog - but none are as exciting as these photographs.
    If those clumps of soft rush had not been pulled up by hand - would these machines be working on Adwick now?
    Doubt it !!!


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