Saturday 27 October 2012

Old Moor/Broomhill area

News from Dave Waddington;-
The Great Grey Shrike was still present in the same area as yesterday (near Broomhill park) but despite being looked for most of the day it was only seen briefly in flight by one observer and it then promptly disappeared! A Hawfinch was also seen by a single observer near the Cormorant hide overlooking Bolton Ings before that also did a disappearing act - it was then seen again some hours later by the original observer close to Darfield sewage farm but again moved on quickly before anyone else could enjoy it.
Other birds not so fussy who saw them included;- Whooper Swan on Bolton Ings, 120 Pink-feet flying north, Little Egret 3 around the area, Redwing 1200, Fieldfare 700, Swallow 1 and Blackcap 1.

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